Artificial Intelligence And Its Impact On International Law (By- Akshara Nair)

An AI algorithm that is used to accelerate the work of legal professionals is the IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding[1]. It analyses data in legal documents. This kind of AI could be used for the time-consuming repetitive processing tasks that may take up a significant amount of time if done manually. It processes and analyses huge data files and also recognizes human speech both structured and unstructured along with using cognitive learning combining statistical reasoning and analytics tied with intrinsic human qualities such as common sense and ethics, thereby trying to pursue not only the object of speeding up the time consuming processes but also accuracy and reliability. The implementation of such technology facilitates better decision making on the part of legal professionals or employees of firms and augment customer experience as well.
The accessibility of law is imperative for international influence. The incorporation of AI could ensure that the laws amended and proposed, statutes signed and similar data is updated in order to allow the general public to access it. It must have multiple language options as; working on an international level, a primary reason why individuals may be unable to comprehend the information is language. The inclusivity invites awareness.
There may be an ocean of challenges in reaching the ideal of easing most processes and functions by delegating it to AI algorithms, but complete disregard of its potential would be a missed opportunity of revolution in the field of international law. Yet, on these lines, there must be an understanding of the fact that; if humans are to entrust the AI outputs and automated decision making, there must be thorough safeguards to avoid undesirable repercussions.